



河南省龙祥电力电缆有限公司位于河南省长垣县新城工业园区人民路西段,占地面积43956平方米,建筑面积5500平方米,。生产设备齐全,工艺先进,检测设备精密,生产的电线电缆产品各项性能指标均达到或超过相关标准要求。    我公司生产的聚氯乙烯绝缘无护套电缆电线、聚氯乙烯绝缘软电缆电线取得了国家强制性3C认证。自主研发生产的丁腈复合物或聚氯乙烯绝缘及护套铜包铝导体电缆电线系列产品,经过河南省产品质量监督检验所严格检测获得了产品质量检验合格证。我公司还可根据客户要求定制各类特种电缆。    铜包铝导体系纯铜导体之“更新换代”产品,该产品具有强度高、集肤效应好、导电性能优良等特点。国外早在上世纪90年代技术上就已完全成熟并广泛应用于电力电缆、电气装备用电缆电线等领域。我公司以科技为先导,以创新求发展,积极引进国外先进技术,认真消化吸收,成功推出固定布线用电线电缆(软、硬线)、电焊机用电缆、起重机用(圆、扁)软电缆、控制电缆、0.6/1KV电力电缆等铜包铝导体电缆电线系列产品,并已申请专利进行技术保护,专利号为200620032441.0。    产品严格按照国标(GB)、企标(QB)等相关标准进行生产。公司通过内部严格、高效的质量管理及过程控制,产品性能、品质兼优,赢得了广大客户的认同和赞誉.    公司坚持“以人为本,创新经营。诚信立业,客户至上。”为理念,以市场为导向,以销售为龙头,以推进客户成功为目标、竭诚为广大新老客户提供优质服务,实现“双赢”,共创辉煌。

Henan Longxiang Power Cable Co., Ltd. is located in the west section of Renmin Road, Xincheng Industrial Park, Changyuan County, Henan Province. It covers an area of 43956 square meters and has a building area of 5500 square meters,. The production equipment is complete, the process is advanced, and the testing equipment is precise. All performance indicators of the produced wire and cable products meet or exceed the relevant standard requirements. Our company's PVC insulated unsheathed cable wires and PVC insulated flexible cable wires have obtained the national mandatory 3C certification. The series of independently developed and produced nitrile composite or PVC insulated and sheathed copper clad aluminum conductor cables and wires have obtained a product quality inspection certificate through strict testing by the Henan Provincial Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute. Our company can also customize various types of special cables according to customer requirements. The copper clad aluminum conductor system is an updated product of pure copper conductors, which has the characteristics of high strength, good skin effect, and excellent conductivity. As early as the 1990s, foreign countries had fully matured and widely applied technology in the fields of power cables, cables and wires for electrical equipment. Our company takes technology as the guide and strives for development through innovation. We actively introduce advanced foreign technologies and carefully digest and absorb them. We have successfully launched a series of copper clad aluminum conductor cable and wire products, including wires and cables for fixed wiring (soft and hard wires), cables for welding machines, flexible cables for cranes (round and flat), control cables, and 0.6/1KV power cables. We have applied for a patent for technical protection, with patent number 200620032441.0. The product is produced strictly in accordance with relevant standards such as national standard (GB) and enterprise standard (QB). The company has won recognition and praise from a large number of customers through strict and efficient internal quality management and process control, resulting in excellent product performance and quality The company adheres to the philosophy of "people-oriented, innovative management, integrity and customer first", takes the market as the guide, sales as the leader, and promotes customer success as the goal. We are dedicated to providing high-quality services to new and old customers, achieving a "win-win" situation and creating brilliance together!

©2024 河南省龙祥电力电缆有限公司 版权所有   技术支持:起重商贸网     


